#089 Tobacco Factory



Tuesday night is a night mostly dominated by the inevitable gloom that tomorrow is Wednesday. So Mark Watson told us, on a Tuesday, as we watched him on stage at Bedminster’s Tobacco Factory.

But as we are a bar blog (honestly), not a comedy blog (we’re never funny), we of course made sure to stop in the café bar downstairs beforehand.

Mayor Ferguson himself saved this place from demolition, buying it up so that the building could go on to contain a school for performing arts, a theatre, flats and offices, and, of course, a bar.

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#044 The White Bear



On holiday in Prague a while back I learnt that they used to use emblems engraved above buildings’ doorways by way of addresses. The White Bear up St Michael’s Hill might suit such a scheme, bearing a lit-up statue of their eponymous animal. Note that it is lit up by lamps; a neon polar bear might be more indicative of a casino or strip club in Svalbard as it appears in His Dark Materials.

I can hardly bear the excitement.

I can hardly bear the excitement.

Obscure references aside, I had great need of a midweek tipple and conveniently avoid all the sports ball that’s happening. To the pub!

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